Year 5 (Waltz) 2024 - 2025
Mr Jawandha
Welcome back to the new year
In Maths we will start by completing our multiplication and division B unit, before moving onto fractions B, decimals and percenteages and perimeter and area. It is important that the children continue to solidify their key knowledge and use tools such as times table rock stars and sum dog to support in their learning.
Over the spring term, we will be looking at habitats and animal life cycles. This project teaches children about different areas that animals live accross the world
Our topic this term is Sow, Grow and Farm. This project teaches children about the features and characteristics of nature and growing plants and vegetables and the benefits of freshyly grown products.
In art, we will be looking at expression. This project teaches children about the visual qualities of different perceptions of objects, linked into our ancient China topic.
This year, the children will enjoy the support of Slough Music Services and Mr Southall as they learn how to play a variety of instruments including the drums and glockenspiels.
General Reminders
- PE will be every Wednesday and Thursday, please ensure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit on those days. Please also ensure that any earrings are removed for PE.
- Homework will be set on a Friday
- The children are expected to read every night, please ensure this is recorded in their reading records. Reading records will be checked on a weekly basis and reads will be counted as part of our new reading challenge. The aim is to read daily for 15-20 minutes.
Mr Jawandha