Year 4 - (Crispin) 2024 - 2025
Mrs Peri
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to the Spring Term in Year 4! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and are feeling refreshed for the new term ahead. I am so happy to share that the children have successfully completed the Autumn Term and have demonstrated great enthusiasm and resilience in their learning. It has been wonderful to see their hard work and progress, and I appreciate all the support and encouragement you have given them at home.
We have another exciting term ahead filled with opportunities for learning, creativity, and growth!
In Reading, we are focusing on inference and retrieval techniques, as well as echo and choral reading strategies. This term’s guided text is Tamarind and the Star of Ishta, which will help the children refine their understanding of these key skills.
In Writing, we are exploring The Winter’s Childand focusing on poetry. The children will be learning about figurative language and exploring different types of poetry to inspire their own winter-themed poems.
This term, we are working on the second block of multiplication and division, including informal and formal written methods. We will also explore length, perimeter, and fractions. Times tables practice remains a key focus, as the children will be tested online on their knowledge. Please encourage them to practice daily to build confidence and accuracy.
In Science, we are learning about States of Matter. The children will explore the properties of solids, liquids, and gases, and investigate how materials change state through experiments and discussions.
Our Humanities topic this term focuses on Geography, with an emphasis on Winding Rivers and Misty Mountains. We will explore how rivers shape the landscape and learn about different mountain ranges around the world.
Art & DT:
We began the term with a study of Andy Warhol and his iconic pop art. The children created their own self-portrait prints using Warhol’s techniques to design vibrant pop art pieces. For this term, children will learn about landscape composition techniques, inspired by the Misty Mountain, Winding River project.
This term in PE, we are developing cognitive skills through gymnastics and dodgeball. Additionally, we have swimming lessons every Wednesday morning. It is essential that the children arrive promptly at 8:35 AM when the gates open, bringing their swimming kits as well as their PE kits.
The focus for Computing this term is Creating Digital Art. The children will explore digital tools to design and create their own artistic projects.
In PHSE, we are discussing: Dreams and Goals. The children will reflect on their aspirations, learn how to set achievable goals, and discuss strategies for overcoming challenges.
Key Reminders:
PE will be on: Wednesday (swimming) and Friday, so children must come to school in their PE kits. Earrings should be removed at home, as taping earrings is not permitted.
Homework will be set on Fridays and collected on Wednesdays.
Encourage the children to read with you for 15–20 minutes every day and write comments in their reading record books, which are checked daily. Reading regularly also supports writing skills.
Times tables practice is critical for upcoming online testing, so please encourage your child to practice daily!
Spelling tests will be on Thursdays, so please practice the relevant spellings at home with the children.
A healthy snack (piece of fruit) is encouraged for break time.
Please label all school uniform to make it easier to return if lost.
On days with poor weather, please ensure children bring their coats to school.
We are looking forward to another term filled with learning, creativity, and fun! Thank you for your continued support and understanding.
Any questions, please feel free to contact me at:
Kind regards,
Mrs. Peri