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Reception (Pixie) 2024 - 2025

Miss Kang

Autumn Term 

Welcome to Pixie Class 

Project Aut 1 : Let's Explore linked with Build it up 

We will be exploring our school, our local area and a place of interest to pupils. 

Focus Book: Owl Babies, Look Up, 

Project Aut 2 : Marvellous Machines - Puppets and Pop ups 

We will explore all different types of machines and their jobs. We will also compare machines from the past to the present. We will explore different types of puppets and how they can tell stories. 

Focus Book: Three little pigs, Mrs Armitage on Wheels and The Nativity Story 



We follow the Read Write Inc. phonics programme, please click here to view our phonics page

We begin to learn our phonic sounds and blend so we can read and write words. 

During shared reading....

We will concentrate on the formation of letters during our focussed handwriting sessions.  


Home Support: Letter Formation, please use the RWI formation sheet previously sent home.


This term will be concentrating on matching, sortng and comparing objects aswell as learning about different measures such as capacity and mass. 

Children will explore simple patterns where they can continue a given pattern aswell create their own. 

In our fluency we will consilidate numbers up to 5 and ensure children can compare, subsitise and compose numbers. 


Dates for the diary:

PE Day is every Mondays


Miss Kang, Miss Ashford and Mrs Day 


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Pippins School

Raymond Close, Rodney Way, Colnbrook,
Slough, SL3 0PR

School Office

01753 682937

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